Agenda Builder

OnBoard's Agenda Builder is the ultimate meeting creation tool, offering speed, versatility, and efficiency. It's a drag-and-drop, multi-file-type supported, template-driven, cloning-capable, document-organizing, decision-tracking powerhouse.
Diskus Feature Video

Craft the Perfect Meeting — Quickly

Creating an agenda involves more than just compiling documents. OnBoard equips administrators with robust tools for collaboration, co-authoring, cloning, and more.

Drag & Drop Builder
Drag & Drop Builder
Every File Type Works
Every File Type Works
Create Templates
Create Templates
Live Co-Authoring
Live Co-Authoring
Attach Votes, Surveys, & eSignatures
Attach Votes, Surveys, & eSignatures

Microsoft 365 Integration

With OnBoard's integration with Microsoft 365, your board professionals can combine the best of two powerful platforms for seamless workflows and collaboration. The Integration enables real-time edits, comments, and updates across Microsoft-native files that automatically sync to OnBoard

Ms Integration
Create Meeting Templates

Create Meeting Templates

Effortlessly build an agenda from scratch or import one from a Word document, and OnBoard will seamlessly recreate it. For recurring meetings with similar agendas, create meeting templates to save time by just dragging and dropping new documents.

Compatible with All File Types

Assembling a board book often means handling various file types, but that's not an issue for OnBoard. It supports PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, CSV, .PPTX, .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, and weblinks, ensuring your final output always looks professional

Compatible with All File Types
Create Meeting Templates

Collab & Distribute Information Faster

OnBoard eliminates the need for a middleman, enabling quicker information delivery to directors. Distribute board book responsibilities among team members, so when the finance report is ready, the CFO can directly upload the document instead of clogging your inbox.

Stay Focused and On Schedule

Agenda Time Management helps keep meetings on track by automatically issuing reminders 15 minutes before the scheduled end, facilitating wrap-up discussions and ensuring decisions are made before adjourning.

Stay Focused and On Schedule
Features Specific

Stay Focused and On Schedule

Streamline your board meetings and unlock valuable insights with OnBoard's powerful platform. Experience the difference of secure, efficient, and intuitive board management software designed for success.